sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010

Ya hay fecha de salida para las nuevos mapas de MW2

402 a confirmado en Twitter que los primeros mapas que saldrán para MW2 estarán disponibles para XBOX360 el 30 de marzo y nos da a entender que para nuestra PS3 saldrán un més mas tarde, (seguramente estarán disponibles a finales del mes de abril) aquí os dejo la noticia original en inglés:

"After yesterdays news from 402 that we would be getting “a lot of Modern Warfare 2 DLC news this week” we already have the first and most exciting piece of news.

In the latest tweet from the Infinity Ward community manager there is confirmation that the first Modern Warfare 2 map pack will be released in just three short weeks, on MARCH 30 2010……..
No mention of its name or what it’s comprised of, but as the date is merely weeks away, details will likely arrive very, very soon (screenshots FTW.) Oh, At this point I should probably remind PS3 users that the MW2 map pack will be available on the PSN one month later."

Miraos esto... en la pagina ofocial de Infinity Ward


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